Sunday, October 19, 2008

He's a nut!

Evan had his fall program last week. I must be getting the hang of this whole widow thing because I actually felt prepared. After getting blindsided with the first day, I am pleased to report both Evan and I came away relatively unscathed by the noticeable absence of Eric amidst the sea of dads. I am still amazed how much Evan looks like Eric. On any given day I would tell you he acts much more like me but today I'm blaming it all on Eric. I hope you enjoy!


Amy Plummer said...

oh that is adorable! I just want to hug him!

Pete said...

That's funny. I once saw Eric sing that same song (motions and all) after a few drinks at the Coyote one night!

Tracy Arntzen said...


Very cute video. The Arntzen family is so excited for your visit. We are going to have a blast!! Get ready to be spoiled rotten!!

Sue said...

I continue to pray for your strength and courage. It is wonderful to hear how exciting life is for you and that you are moving on. Children are so wonderful in the healing process, and I know Eric is watching over you. We love you!