Friday, July 20, 2007

Ding! Ding! Round Two!!! ...7/20/07

Ding! Ding! Round Two!!!

Round 1 wraps up…


Today was a good day. I steadily improved each day from Sunday, with Thursday and today almost approaching me feeling normal. Maybe it would be better said that I had multiple moments of normalcy (plus that sounds far more eloquent….). I am still bothered by three new annoyances that are surely by-products of the Chemo…

My bowels are totally out of whack. (TOLD YOU…) Pain meds and the chemo bound me up like never been seen, from Friday last week through Wednesday, then my extensive laxative, stool softening, and fiber plan, in full effect since Saturday, finally blew the lid off the fountain. So Wednesday and Thursday, I had the exact opposite problem, running for the can with a 20 second window at the first rumble in the gut. So Thursday night I go so far as to take Immodium ID. I now have not moved a bowl again since. CRRRRAP! (Read with a Scottish accent, always funny; and also enjoy the pun) Joking aside: This has been pure misery. And I am still trying to dial this in.

I still had many moments of what must be low grade anxiety – There are times at night and first thing in the morning where I can’t really focus some of the time and am not sleeping more than an hour at a pop without waking up briefly. It must be what having a severe case of ADD or ADHD is like. My mind just runs, but all over and around. But not in a focused direction. This seems to have incrementally improved though to now. I hope that that will remain the case. Unfortunately, the nurses say this is common enough to have gotten a cute name: “Chemo Brain”. I hope I can fully shake that but fear that will be a 1st 4 day thing for each cycle. They did just give me Adavan for this and I hope that it will clear it up chemically.

Sleep... Good sleep alludes me. This last Sunday-Monday night was the worst night in my entire life. 8-20 minutes of sleep at a crack. Wake up. Stare at clock. Want to swear it has not moved more than 10 minutes. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. From 8:30pm to 7am. This is no exaggeration. Plus three dozen fruitless trips to the can; Trying for anything. No, can’t forget those... They were like doing a squat work-out with free weights. The next day my highs and knees were sore in addition to the back and hip…

But, I have hopes that I can dial all of these issue in to a manageable routine and I am officially scoring Round one….. It goes to……… Eric! Judges cards: 10-9, 10-9, 10-9.

Round 2 Starts
Today, Friday saw the beginning of Chemo Round #2. But I only got the Gemzar today (last round had a cocktail of Gemzar + Taxol + Carboplatin). I will get a Nuelasta shot tomorrow for the extra production of my bone marrow to start. The “expected” side effects for this round are not pleasant, but I believe the can be very manageable. Again, I fear that this will be a learning cycle, and will require “dialing in”… I will keep you all posted.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep your prayers rolling in. I can feel them and God answers prayers!!!

Love, in Christ, Eric Plummer

PS. Psalm 86 gave me great comfort on Wednesday night. Open your bible (or go find one – EVERY house has one). Please check it out Pray and meditate over it for me!!


Jocelyn said...

checking in to see how round 2 went! thanks for all the laughs, it's great to hear your sense of humor in all of this! thank you for Psalm 86. I just finished praying you through it! God is good! still praying...

Jim Slagle said...

Praises for your victory, and for your wonderful outlook on it all. I really admire your courage and faith through this.

Keep feelin our prayers!

Psalm 86:4 will especially be part of my prayers for you Eric. As I know firsthand you are without question His faithful servant and have given everything to Him, I ask for God to bring you Joy.

It will come.

and I hope other things will come or "move" better for you also.

Aunt Bonnie said...

Hey Eric...So glad to see your humor reappearing!! I'm glad you made it through the first battle! A little piece of advice...try eating really works and they are yummy!! I'm sending Donna some recipes I thought you might like for her to fix...that's one of the things moms do best is fix comfort food for family!! Hope round two is a little easier for you to win! We are all sending our love and prayers and constant thoughts!! Love you...Aunt Bonnie

Cari and Mike Hinnant said...

Sorry to hear of those unfortunate side effects. God knows Mike would have a nervous breakdown if there was a traffic jam on the exit ramp.

Jen England said...

Hey Eric!!

I've tried to send you a message a million times, but it isn't wanting to save them on here....hhuummmmm!!!
Glad to see some of the true Eric shining through your journal entries!!
Funny you should mention 'chemo brain', the company i work for does Cognitive Skils Training, and we work with lots of clients who claim to have 'chemo brain'...we even helped sponsor the Indy marathon for breast cancer survivors and gave out literature about 'chemo brain'....
You keep fighting and know that you are being loved and prayed for from all the way up here!!
Love, Jen

Unknown said...

ERIC!! I have been away all summer and returned to this news. After digesting and semi-processing it, I summoned up the courage to visit your webpage - and am so glad I did! It is a BRILLIANT idea and truly does save you the trouble of answering the same old questions time and time again. Your approach to this !#$%@^#!! disease is refreshing...the real you has not been lost!

I will pray for you and your family daily. Fight the good fight, my friend. The world is a better place with you in it!

Love to you and to Amy...

Your Mom said...

Dearest Son,
Perhaps you might like this prayer from MERCY ME,a booklet from Elaine and the monthly cancer support group at GUMC. Helpful I hope as you are ready for the next cycle of treatment. (This is my first "blog" writing. I didn't even know what one was 6 months ago. I am learning with Howard help!)
Love you forever,


O God, here I go again! I enter the oncology center for another round of chemotherapy, another lab test, injection, office visit. Help me to stay positive in this long and difficlt process of healing and to view this facility as a means of your graciousness.

In the midst of my distress, I give thanks for the goodness that flows through the needles and tubes and for the comfort of blankets, liquids, distractions medication, and smiles. I am especially grateful for the skills and compassion of the staff at this place. I am thankful also for family and friends who pray on my behalf, particularly when I am too weary to take my own pleas and praise to you.

Bless all who enter this facility, the tearful and the fearful, the haunted and the hopeful, those who give and those who receive. Bless us and keep us centered in your peace, knowing that your steadfast love is with us forever. Amen

Deanna in Westport said...

Eric, Unfortunately the constipation is a very normal abnormality..haha. After about 6 months of it, I finally got the nerve to mention it to the oncologist and he was like, "Oh, yeah, didn't I tell you that? " I was thinking, "Gee thanks, doc!" I guzzled apple juice and that seemed to help in addition to the stool softener route. The restlessness and sleep disruption is also normal. I always felt it was chemical, as I seemed to improve shortly before it was time for chemo again. I napped during the day a lot, but I realize this may be an issue for you as you're trying to work......perhaps the boss wouldn't mind finding you at your desk napping once in awhile?haha I finally broke down and asked for help with this, ambien became my friend and it was very helpful and didn't seem to be habit forming in any way. I always felt like pacing....just a lot of nervous energy and mind racing in circles. I think the ADDness is also chemical. All of what you are describing, I felt. Your sense of humor is wonderful, it makes me wish I'd had opportunity to get to know you and Amy better while your grandpa Oren was alive. Of course, I know the wonderful people who raised you very well, and it is their strength of character and love for the Lord that has brought you to be the wonderful man in Christ that I see through your writing. God will use you mightily throughout this experience and He will also bring others to you that you can draw strength from. Keep is truly healing!
Love in Christ,
Deanna McCullough in Westport

Kosh said...


Been there, done that!! I know exactly how that feels. (Both not
sleeping and not being able to take a dump as a result of chemo).
Most likely you're taking prednisone and that's the culprit, it acts like speed to most people (It did for me!) Feel free to mention this to your doctor and he can help you get a good night's sleep. It's important like you wouldn't belive during chemo!
- I'm still praying for you -
- David Trombly aka Kosh

Amy O'Plummer said...

Hi guys!

Lila was so excited to come in Scott's office & see Chole, Amanda & Evan on the computer!

Eric, I am not sleeping either, so if you feel you need to chat during those sleepless hours, don't hesitate to call.

I am off to pray Psalm 86:4 for you--from my beautiful pink bible your Amy gave me.

xoxo to you all,