I have not been looking forward to my trip to the jeweler to have my engagement ring cleaned and checked. Eric had developed a friendship with the owner while buying my ring. After every child was born, he bought me a present and himself a new watch. I so didn't want to have to explain one more time the particulars of Eric's death and sickness. Additionally, I know the day will come when it is time to take my rings off, but I am not ready yet. It is not lost on me the provision of God these days. He has in many ways, taken care of those things I wasn't sure I could handle. Today is no exception. Our dear jewelry store was just an empty store front with a for rent sign in the window. While I know the irony is thick, I am ever more grateful for the hand of God working visibly in our lives.
Part of me has been dreading this flood of memories. Now that I'm here, I've decided to try and cherish them instead. I'd like to say I drive around town looking for them (it would sound so healthy of me), but the truth is, I'm just not griping the steering wheel anxiously anymore. It's a start.
People keep asking me how I'm doing these days, I've been thinking about saying hopeful. I'll leave you with a quote from our bible study again. Hope you like it, it is a reference from Jeremiah 17:5-8.
Hope grows best in the soil of faithfulness. As we live our lives for God, loving his law, doing his will, immersing ourselves in his Word, believing he is who he says he is, and worshiping him together with his people, our hope will grow stronger, and we will be like the tree planted by water, whose leaves are always green and supple
I don't know about you, but I'd like to be forever green and supple. It reminds me of the palm trees here. They bend and sway with those hurricane winds but rarely break. I can't wait to see many of you on Friday at the service. Bring your best stories, we'll have a great roast!
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