Well we are here, at Holden Beach, North Carolina looking out our window at the surf tickling the shore. Our airplane trip was unbelievable. It truly was as if the clouds parted the whole way down to North Carolina, storms to our left, storms to our right but clear, unturbulent skies for us. I have some sense of what Moses must have felt when the Red Sea parted! When we were getting ready to land Brian our trusty pilot and Justin our able wing man, could barely believe the radar. It was as if the weather surrounding around the airport had been erased. There was rain to the left, rain up ahead, and rain to the right but clear skies right above. Even the plane landing right before us had visibility difficulties. But praise God, not us. What a privilege to see God's hand in real time!
We took an non-emergency ambulance to the rental home and when they got him up to the deck, he said, "Well this was all worth it". The view from our porch is breathtaking!
While the trip was uneventful, we are now, dealing with the after effects. Eric's spirits are still strong but we are struggling with controlling the pain. We are hopeful that in the next few days we will be able to master it.
Eric's brother and family arrived late last night after quite a travel fiasco. They arrived in Raleigh on time but had to sit on the plane for 2+ hours due to a lightening storm. Amy said she was grateful to take our portion of travel complications! I think that's brave of a woman with a 4yr and 10month old!
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the kids and my parents. Their trip has been good. Evan called me from the road to tell me, "Mom, there are too many cars on the road and we can't go very fast". Chloe called to tell me, "We're staying in a skyscraper mom, there are 11 floors and the people look so small!" Amanda has been uncharacteristically quiet.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Without many of you we would not be here!
God's Blessings to you all!
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