Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Good time with Dad

Hello everyone! Just wanted to ease your worries about my not blogging. I usually blog at night after the kids go to bed but the last few nights Eric has been awake and I've been taking advantage of that! We've watched two terrible movies and had a great time doing it.

Chloe wants to say a few words...
This morning dad and I played the card game golf. After that we watched Scooby Doo with Evan and Amanda. The move is not quite over so I have to go see the end. Thanks for all your prayers.
Love, Chloe

1 comment:

Juli said...

Hi Chloe. Please tell your mom, dad, brother and sister "Hello" as well. All of us down here in South Florida think of you often and are in our thoughts and prayers! We miss you all!

With love,
Miss Juli and the crew of First Christian Preschool