I'm officially hooked on this whole blog thing. I actually am finding myself thinking all day long about what my next title will be. I'm afraid of facebook now!
Today was an eventful day. It started with the largest sand castle I've ever seen courtesy of Jimmy Slagle. Watching the kids try so hard to leave it alone while Jimmy worked on it was a lesson in patience and self control we all could learn from. The reward of course, was being allowed to play cars on it and then, when everyone was tired, smash it to bits and use the rubble as a slide. If only we were always rewarded so aptly for our patience.
The nurses assistant came and gave Eric a bath. We are ALL grateful for Chris' hard work. The hospice nurse also stopped by. She gave Eric the cleanest bill of health a hospice nurse can. Thank you Jacqueline!!!
Stacy, Tane and I spent some quality time on the beach practicing yoga. I wouldn't say we attracted a crowd but it certainly was peaceful, that is when we could concentrate on the yoga and not our children drifting off to sea. Joking aside, yoga on the beach is one of the best ways I can think of to slow down and connect with God.
We watched a video in our small group a few weeks ago that has made a lasting impression on me. The topic was our breath. I had never given it much thought other that the 5 minute Lamaze overview we had in birthing class. The challenge was to think of our breath as not simply an exhale, but as a way to speak the name of God with each breath. We looked at the Hebrew word for Lord, Yahweh. At how this word was actually made up of four vowels in the Hebrew language. In particular four vowels that are pronounceable on the exhale Yah-Hey-Wah-Hey. It sounds strange, but try it. Take a deep breath and exhale Yah. Breath in again and exhale Hey. Another breath and exhale Wah. Breathe in and exhale Hey. Close your eyes and try a few more times, Yah-Hey-Wah-Hey, Yah-Hey-Wah-Hey. In four exhales you've spoke the name Yahweh. I did a bit of research on this name for God.
The name Yahweh occurs more than 6,800 times in the Old Testament. It appears in every book but Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. As the sacred, personal name of Israel's God, it was eventually spoken aloud by only priests worshiping in the Jerusalem temple...Yahweh is the name that is most closely linked to God's redeeming acts in the history of his chosen people.
-Praying the Names of God
Think about it, as we breathe each breath, we speak the sacred, personal name of our God. It gives so much more meaning to the biblical idea that we were made to praise Him, that we are designed to praise him with every breath. Without even knowing or being aware, we speak the most sacred, personal name of God. Even those who do not believe, speak his name at least once every minute. How many times have you said God's name since you began reading this.
So, back to yoga. Can you think of a better place to breathe the name of God than on the beach with a light breeze and a gentle surf? Breathing in the fresh sea air and breathing out Yah-Hey-Wa-Hey. Breathe in, can you smell the sea air?
Blessings to you all! Go breathe the name of God on all your loved ones!
Hi Amy,
I have been reading your blog daily and I am so inspired. Thanks for sharing your life with me. Though we have only known each other for a short time, the impact will last a lifetime. We miss you back in Bolingbrook. We are looking forward to catching up at small group when you get back home.
God Bless you and your whole crew!-Sharie
I look forward to reading your blog each day, and today, especially, you WOW'd me. Your "breath of God" message is much better than the Indiana Jones story about it!
We continue to hold all of you in our hearts and prayers, and we wish you traveling mercies on your journey home.
Judy and John McGoogan
Eric, Amy, and family,
Thank you for continuing to share your time at the beach, your insight, and your faith with everyone. What a blessing to share your time with family and friends at the beach.
Leigh had just given me the Rob Bell DVD Breathe to watch and share with my Wesley group. It was a powerful message for all of us.
To know each breath, even your last is saying the name of God..give incredible meaning to life and death.
We continue to pray for your family and the challenges ahead. Praise God for all themany ways He reminds us how much we are loved.
May the agape love of Christ our Savior surround all of you and bring you peace.
God's grace and peace,
Jane and Leigh Finnegan
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