Monday, July 28, 2008


The last week has been the strange dichotomy of a whirlwind and moments that lingered. I am so grateful those of you who were able to make the pilgrimage and pay your final respects. The sheer number of people, and so many that we not only knew but were dear to our hearts, who came on Friday and Saturday was overwhelming. Eric was always the life of the party. He would have been so pleased to draw such a crowd!

I've been trying to savor each moment. Our pastor reminded me last week of the passage in Luke that speaks of the visitors at the stable on the night of Jesus' birth. It says, "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart".

I will always treasure the moment I heard Chloe's sweet voice singing "I Can Only Imagine" just in step with Joe. And the fact that our three children took their first communion at their fathers funeral. It isn't traditional church doctrine but I believe it made God smile.

I think about each and every one of the seven, I know, seven eulogies. I thought it was crazy too, but Eric insisted and he was right. Each one of you spoke of the man I loved with such beauty, love and respect. I couldn't have asked for more. I remember my dear aunt who flew in from Florida just to arrive for the reception. And my father and his four brothers who lost their father when they were children and yet, despite the painful memories were there to support us.

I so enjoyed seeing Eric's ties on all the speakers and pall bearers. It was as if every time I turned around, there, was another memory to greet me. I am grateful for the phenomenal music, which was such an important part of Eric's life and consider it a blessing to have had our pastor from Florida make the trip. I had forgotten our original conversations with Alex concerning Isaiah 41:18-20;
18 I will make rivers flow on barren heights,
and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water,
and the parched ground into springs.
19 I will put in the desert
the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive.
I will set pines in the wasteland,
the fir and the cypress together,
20 so that people may see and know,
may consider and understand,
that the hand of the LORD has done this,
that the Holy One of Israel has created it.

As you did, we always wanted the work of God's hand to be evident in Eric's healing. But in that moment, I could see God had done what he promised. For each of you who stood by Eric's casket and told me of how our journey had strengthened your faith, I was a witness to the pools of water in the desert. When you came and told me our blogging had made you reconnect with God, I saw in you, those tall pines rooted in what once was wasteland. And while each and every one of you thanked me for our blogs and what they had meant to you, I must say just as verse 20 did, "see and know, consider and understand that the hand of the LORD has done this". Eric and I were just the unlucky couple with cancer who were honored to share our lives with such wonderful friends and family.

I know I will treasure many more memories but am grateful I captured one in a photo. The sight of our three children singing and dancing to the mountain song Eric sang so many bedtimes. Your presence at Eric's funeral was a blessing to us, I pray it was a blessing to you too. I am certain when I say, "Eric was well loved".



bradshawtwins said...

Dear Amy,

Thank you so much for sharing your "treasures" from Eric's services this weekend. I could just close my eyes and feel like I was right there with you. There was never a doubt that Eric's funeral would be the most beautiful celebration of a man, who lived his life with such passion for everything that he treasured. We are just two of the many people also inspired by your faith. You have taught us so much. Eric was very loved, as are you and the children. We miss you so much!

With Love & Prayers,

Pete said...


Unknown said...


I so wanted to be at Eric's life celebration. It's been confirmed what an inspiring and uplifting event I missed. I knew Eric and your faith (and awesome taste in music) would make for a very motivational event.

This last year has been hard but it has been very inspiring how you and Eric took on such a tough challenge with such gusto, faith, and humor. You've inspired me and moved me.

Soggy/Joe & Mary Beth

newmanfamily said...

I haven't been on the blog in sometime and am so sorry to hear that Eric had passed away. We will keep you and your kids in our prayers. Burt and I were just talking of how we remember Eric standing there leading worship.
Love and Prayers,
Lori Newman